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A Gentle Reminder


It's December! For a lot of people that means 'tis the season for wishes of glad tidings and happy holidays. If you're anything like me, December can spell big trouble for productivity and positivity. Is there a way to combat the winter blues?

As always, I'm going to be honest with you. I have no idea how to beat back the blues. I can tell you I've recently made some changes that have been helping, but I happen to have a body that cooperates- at least on most days. Lately I've been exercising often and doing my best to get enough sleep. It's made a world of difference to my mood and productivity around the house. I've noticed drinking plenty of tea helps, too, like a warm hug from the inside.

It can be a difficult time of year for so many people. If you happen to be one of those people, please remember to be kind to yourself. In this season of joy on Earth, include yourself. If you have days where it feels like all you can do is breathe, then breathe deep. You're allowed rest. You're allowed self-care. Try not to let anyone dictate how you take care of yourself.

Boundaries are self-care too! Try not to let the weight of family force you where you don't feel safe and comfortable. I know this sounds like a hard, impossible thing. I understand. Please remember you are important. Your energy is important and needs to be protected. You are allowed to decide who you visit. You are allowed to decide how others treat you. Use that wonderful voice of yours and make your needs be known!

Self-care can be a tricky thing! I've noticed usually the things I've been avoiding, like that pesky housework, are usually the things I need to take care of first. Yes, it's a big, hard mountain to climb and admittedly it's been slow going, but every step is progress. Progress is worth it. I also do my best to do something for myself, even if it's just taking my time with my skincare routine. Even something like really paying attention to the taste of my tea. Mindfulness, meditation, me-time.

You are important. You are loved. You are worthy. You are precious.

Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for some pretty important updates! You can follow me on Facebook or sign up to join my email list- I'll be posting very soon.

Peace to you,

Willow R

Owner, Rooted in my Strength

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