Happy March dear reader! The blog is back! This March is going to be great, I can feel it. Who doesn't love springtime? The birds are starting to sing again, maybe you'll spot the odd daffodil, the sun is brighter and warmer. The air feels fresh and new. Any gardener knows this is the time to start planning for the growing season.
Ever start a brand new garden? The ground needs to be prepared for the growing season, which means a lot of hard work. The ground needs to be broken open, the land needs to be cleared of potential barriers or weeds, the soil needs to be fertilized. All this before anything can go in the ground.
This ground work is so necessary to allow for healthy, strong plants to thrive.
We need to do ground work to prepare our hearts for planting new changes and fresh ideas. It starts with breaking away from old thoughts and destructive patterns that may hold us back. Clearing away barriers to make it easy for change to prosper. Fertilizing it all to ready ourselves for that fresh change. But what does it all look like?
Breaking away from destructive patterns might look like boundaries. Personally I have to hold strong boundaries with myself when it comes to certain people in my life. If I didn't I would be up at all hours of the night talking to them and not getting the rest I need to function the next day. I also have to remind myself not to talk to other people because they will only drain me. I have to remind myself harm will not help me thrive.
Breaking away from old thoughts might look like keeping that negative self talk in check. Be honest now, dear reader, how often do you put yourself down in a day? It adds up, fast. I know I'm guilty of it. Would you ever let someone talk to your closest friend the way you talk to yourself? I know I wouldn't. Habits are hard to break. Lately I've been trying to turn it around. If I catch a negative thought I chase it with something more productive. A common thing I call myself is stupid. I'll turn it around by reminding myself I don't need to know everything and I'm learning something new every day and it's okay to make mistakes.
Habits are hard to break, at the root of breaking habits are barriers. When you make it easy to change, change will come easier. I know I will put off doing anything if it takes more than two steps to start. I tried to be a runner. I like being outside, I like exercising and being active. I even like being up early when I let myself sleep enough. A great combination for running, right? Just getting started was full of barriers. Getting up with the alarm clock sans snooze button, getting dressed in my kit and presentable for the outside world, stretching out, deciding on what to eat for fuel. I haven't even gotten to everything that comes with involving my kid! Too many steps to get out the door turned into never going for a run turned into a massive amount of negative self talk. Taking a look back, I know to remove barriers I could lay out clothes, have overnight oats ready, and find a warm up that works better for me. A million steps have just been reduced significantly with three changes.
What is fertilizer? To a plant, it's food for growth. How would a person fertilize change? Feed the things that will feed the change. Make space for mistakes, surround yourself with people that will genuinely encourage you, find the tools to support the change you're looking for.
Breaking ground is hard, heavy, necessary work for thriving growth. With this ground work, you'll be soft, fed, prepared soil for what comes next.
You can do this.
Willow R
Essential Oil Specialist
Owner, Rooted in my Strength