Crash! Bang! Boom! Oohs and ahhs and cheering. Darkness lit bright as day, but only for a moment. Tell me, dear reader, am I talking about fireworks or resolutions?
Fireworks are big, proud displays. They are wonderful for drawing a crowd in celebration. They are bright and showy. Dazzling. But they never seem to last. Sure the resulting smoke will linger on some time after, but the sparkly noise in the sky fades in hasty retreat. Fireworks are a must-have at all kinds of celebrations a gatherings. They mark grand occasions and county fairs alike, lighting up the sky in grandeur.
Is this sounding familiar yet? Think about how New Years is celebrated.
Heaps of people gather around in joy and laughter as they count down to a fresh start. They talk about the passed year, all the triumphs and failures. Everything they might have done differently. And everything they want to accomplish during the new year. Enter resolutions! These lists of future accomplishments we fawn over, we celebrate all the new-found resolve and self-discipline and motivation that will carry us the entire year. Resolutions are dazzling, shiny claims to fame and fortune in the bight new year! Bright as day. But only for a moment.
The vast majority give up within the first few weeks. Resolutions drift like smoke and dissipate entirely by the second month. I don't know about you, but when I watched my resolutions crumble away I felt terrible. I tried every single year to make it work and I failed every single year to the point where I would dread oncoming years.
This is the year of no resolutions. I have decided to keep building on foundations made last year and to do my best to be kind to myself. I am only human, part of that means tripping, back sliding, and the odd failure or two. Okay, more than that. And that's okay, without stumbling around in failure I would never learn a thing! I've learned a lot, but the most important lesson has been to be kind to myself.
Taking a holistic approach to my self care has been a game changer. I am a being of many parts, and each of those parts needs to be supported. My body likes to move and shake and eat well. My mind likes to learn and stretch and grow. My spiritual life likes to be curious and recognize all the connections and blessings that have come my way. This journey I am on allows me to support all these parts in countless ways. I can truly and honestly say essential oils have changed my life for the better.
My body likes to move, that releases all kinds of feelgood floodgates in my brain and makes the whole day that much brighter. My joints? Not always on board with the rest. Which is only to be expected given all the change I've thrown their way. Luckily the answer lies in a personal roller filled with some jojoba, Nutmeg, Basil, Lavender, and Sandalwood. This blend supports the joint pain with a gentle warming action. My mind likes growth, but it can get tired and sluggish. In response I can drop Rosemary, Lemon, and Peppermint in my diffuser for a gentle uplifting feeling to give me a nice boost.
Taking this aromatherapy journey has connected me to my life in a tangible way. I have been able to live in a way that brings me peace. I know everyone deserves feeling comfortable and peaceful as they live their lives.
You deserve peace and comfort, naturally. Start your journey today and discover what aromatherapy can do for you, let's connect today.
Peace to you,
Willow R.
Essential Oil Specialist
Owner, Rooted in my Strength