I am impossible. I am an only child with two siblings. I have seen the impossible happen first hand growing up. If there is one thing I know, living impossibly is in fact, possible.
Here's the secret: you get to choose what feels impossible to you. Dear reader, you are a force of nature and you have the power to create your own mountains. And you get to climb them. We have the power to make our entire lives adventures! Yes, really.
Think about it. How many times have you passed up an opportunity because it felt too big? Have you ever had the chance to show someone kindness and decided against it? What drove your decision to say no? I know I have let my anxiety get in the way far to often, it cost me a great deal.
I said I am an only child with two siblings. I was raised by my mother. I got to spend time with my father, but I never met his family. I heard all kinds of stories and I could feel the love he felt for these names. Then in 2012, the impossible happened and my father passed away unexpectedly. It was certainly a bittersweet moment as I finally had the chance to put faces to all those names. I met one brother and learned I had another brother. I had new uncles and an aunt and cousins galore! I know it might sound silly to be so excited over the idea of so many family members, but I never really was close with my maternal relatives. I'll spare you all the gossip.
I bonded quickly with one of my uncles. He's the reason I got to meet my family-because of something impossible. My father had kept a phone number in a small book after years of no contact. My phone number. My uncle found it and decided to make an impossible call. When spending time with him, I could feel all the unsaid things in the air- but neither of us ever got the chance to say anything. I let my anxiety control me. I had a chance to learn more about, well, quite a bit. I chose not to make my life an adventure and four years later lost my uncle.
Scary, impossible things have the possibility of turning magnificent.
Let's talk impossible. You get to decide your impossible. For me, my impossible things look like walking down the street without looking over my shoulder, answering phone calls, starting a conversation- you get the picture. I have had days where I feel like a gigantic nervous wreck. Some of these things are linked to my CPTSD, some of these things are linked to my anxiety. All of these things could make my life an adventure if I let them. These mountains are things I see and climb daily. All it takes is one step at a time. I have said it before, and you're going to hear it countless times from me- learning coping skills and going to therapy actively change my life every day.
What feel impossible to you? That promotion opportunity at work? Starting your very own business- your dream job? Ending that relationship? Taking the first step into the unknown is a scary thing. Just that first step can and might feel impossible. And when you take it, you might just discover nothing bad happened and take another step.
Please know this, it is absolutely okay to rest. It is okay to have sluggish days and take a break. Just know the difference between pitching a tent and throwing in the towel. You can do whatever it is you think is impossible.
The secret is simple. Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Ask yourself. Really, honestly ask yourself what are the necessary steps you need to take to start climbing your mountain? Don't be afraid to ask for help, Mountain climbers often use guides on their adventures. Once you know what you need to do, sit down and plan.
Have you ever heard of SMART goals? Check out this article! Setting things in motion will help pull the fear of the unknown out of your journey.
You, dear reader are a force of nature. You can create your own mountains. You pick your own adventure. You control the plans. Go climb your mountain, adventurer.
Peace to you,
Willow R
Owner, Rooted in my Strength
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