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Ringing in a New Year


Hello dear reader! This week will be less a blog and more an encouraging note, complete with an announcement. Let's ring in the oncoming year with unburdened hearts.

Reader, you are not alone. You are allowed to live in peace and make choices to support that peace. You are allowed to speak up for yourself and your loved ones. You are allowed to exist as yourself and remove anyone that opposes your existence.

I cannot promise you taking these steps will be easy or painless, I can tell you living authentically surrounded by those who will support you- not out of obligation but love, is worth the struggle. I can tell you you are loved. You can find community and a place in that community.

I'm going to repeat myself. Reader. You are loved. You. Are. Loved.

I know there are days it doesn't feel true. There are heavy days that feel full of evidence to the contrary. There are days full of storms and rough seas. But these are only moments, and these moments do not define you and they do not control who loves you. Look for actions. Even something as small as consistency will show you how someone feels about you. I know I am grateful for those who are consistently there, consistently supporting my choices, consistently hearing me, consistently helping me even when it doesn't benefit them.

Dear reader, you are worthy. Don't block good things coming your way. Don't let the fear of success win. You are worthy of these good things, worthy of that success, worthy of even the smallest of wins.

Recently I caught myself starting to slide away from all the progress I've made with supporting my back. Thankfully I stopped this slide before I caused myself more pain. Yes, progress is not a strictly linear thing and as humans we are bound to slip and slide as we make changes. I like to remind myself of a quote I first heard in one of my favorite movies "Akeelah and the Bee." This quote from Marianne Williamson, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are not to be?" So reader, who are you not to be? Take on this new year with no fear.

And this year brings a new thing to Rooted in my Strength, I will be ending free blends to new clients in favor of subscriptions. Clients will have the choice to receive their personalized blends on a set schedule starting January 1st. Keep an eye on my Facebook page for more information! Want that information fast? You can join The Garden or subscribe to receive updates and blogs to be among the first in the know.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you in the bright new year!

Peace to you,

Willow R.

Owner, Rooted in my Strength

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